Whether you're looking to deepen your breathwork practice, build community, dive deep into your healing or work through specific challenges, there's something for you. Check out the below to find the different ways to experience what The Breath Space has to offer.
Breathe with meexplore
The online membership community combining an extensive library of breathwork recordings with live weekly and monthly sessions with Jamie.
Your Breath Space is an online membership community, built to bring you powerful and accessible breathwork tools, techniques and experiences. The aim of this community is to provided a supportive and collaborative space where you can build a sustainable and effective breathwork practice with the support and guidance of Jamie, founder of The Breath Space, and his team.
At The Breath Space, we offer online and in-person experiences based on six key pillars to meet your needs, wherever you’re at in your breathwork journey
Jamie has worked alongside top entrepreneurs, politicians, athletes and many more, to share the life changing potential of breathwork and altered states of consciousness.
After discovering out first-hand just how impactful breathwork can be, Jamie strongly believes that breathwork is the most universal and powerful tool that we all have access to change our minds and live healthier, happier lives.
Jamie is trained in a variety of breathwork modalities and tailors this to his clients and groups accordingly. Whether it's performance breathwork for athletes, therapeutic breathwork for healing or simple breathing techniques for nervous system regulation, the power of breathwork can support us all.
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